Weeds can be frustrating, especially when they come from a yard that doesn’t belong to you. The good news is, there are several different ways to keep your neighbor’s weeds from spreading into your lawn, including fencing, herbicides, and perhaps a friendly conversation.
Unfortunately, you can’t choose your neighbors (we know you want to). Weeds spreading seem like a miserable spin-off of “what’s mine is yours.” After working so hard on making your lawn beautiful, we know that worrying about what your neighbor is doing with theirs is the last thing you want to do. Don’t worry; that’s where we come in. Keep reading, and we’ll go over everything you’ll need to ensure their weeds aren’t your problem.
Why Are My Neighbors Weeds In My Lawn?
Let’s start with the basics; why are my neighbor’s weeds even in my lawn? It was probably sunshine and roses when you imagined neighbors, not a spreading weed problem. There are several different reasons their weeds won’t mind their own business.
Weeds spread in almost any way you can imagine. It’s hard to combat something when you are unsure of how it came to be in the first place. That being said, weeds spread through wind, water, and people. With reliable ways to spread, there is no doubt that the weeds will come into your lawn without some barrier.
Weeds are simple. If your lawn provides adequate sunlight and water, it’s the perfect environment. So, the weeds will flourish without proper chemicals to hinder growth.
What Can You Put Around Your House To Keep Weeds Away?
There are a few things you can put around your house to keep the weeds out of your lawn. By creating a barrier, the weeds cannot easily migrate. Edging and fencing are great ways to keep your property aesthetic while still removing weeds.
One of the most effective ways to rid your lawn of weeds is edging. It creates a barrier that does not facilitate weed growth if done correctly. As a general rule, when digging the trench necessary to lay the edging, dig it 3-4 inches deep, allowing the plastic (or whatever you may be using) to sit one-half inch above the trench. While plastic is a popular barrier, there are many other options as well, listed below;
- Metal– Metal barriers do not require the digging plastic does and can be hammered into the ground. It is a durable option and can be painted to suit your lawn better.
- Brick– Though brick does require a shallow trench, it makes for a beautiful addition. Brick is also long-lasting, though it may be challenging to level.
- Edging Stones– Yes, they exist. Stones specifically made for bordering your lawn are used to create a natural look.
- Gardens– If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, a small garden lined with rocks makes an excellent (not to mention beautiful) barrier.
Fencing is also a viable solution. Because weed seeds travel in the wind, a fence acts as a barrier between the gusts of seeds and your lawn. It also creates a physical barrier between your and your neighbor’s lawn. Feel free to let your creative landscaping ideas flow (we know you have it in you).
How To Stop My Neighbors Weeds Coming Through My Fence
Now, let’s say you chose to place a fence at the edge of your lawn. Your neighbor’s weeds continue to grow through it. Trust us; you don’t have to tear down the entire fence. Or spend hours pulling weeds (our backs hurt just thinking about it). Here’s how;
- Household chemicals– Bleach, vinegar, table salt, and rubbing alcohol work wonders. Using a spray bottle, spray the weeds in the fence with any one of the items above.
- Herbicides– Chemicals such as Glyphosate can be applied directly to weeds to kill them. Do not apply any herbicide on your grass (unless the desired effect is to kill it).
Congratulations, you did it (we’re proud). While effective, we’re guessing weed removal isn’t your favorite pass time. Now that the weeds are gone let’s keep them that way.
- Pre-Emergent– Pre-emergent is a great way to combat new seeds because the weeds are gone. Chemicals such as Preen can be placed along the fence line, as it kills germinating seeds.
- Barrier– Another way to deter weeds is with a trench filled with mulch close to the fence. The mulch smothers the weeds, preventing growth. We recommend combining both the trench and pre-emergent to ensure weeds don’t grow.
How To Keep My Neighbors Creeping Charlie From Spreading
Creeping charlie is resistant to many chemicals, making it challenging to keep it from spreading. While difficult, it is not impossible, though preventing it does require a bit of leg work.
Pulling the Weeds
It’s not what you want to hear, we know. But, for small patches of creeping charlie, pulling out the entire weed is the most effective way to get rid of it. Do not mow the area, as it will spread seeds further, making the problem worse.
Creeping charlie, like any other plant, needs sunlight to survive. Eliminating sunlight will kill the weed. While it may seem a bit tedious, placing cardboard secured by rocks will eliminate it. The key to this process is to be patient, as it can take up to 2 weeks.
While creeping charlie is resistant to many chemicals, a select few will destroy the weed’s ability to grow. Look for a herbicide containing Dicamba or Triclopyr. There are several times when the chemicals will do the most damage. The best time to apply the chemicals is when creeping charlie beings to flower and when it is preparing to go dormant.
Can I Pull My Neighbors Weeds?
We wouldn’t recommend pulling your neighbor’s weeds. However, there are a few exceptions. It is okay if the weeds are overhanging into your lawn or are on the property line. To be on the safe side, it is always best to ask your neighbor before doing anything that may affect their lawn.
A conversation may go further than you’d think. Unless you’ve been enemies since elementary school, your neighbor probably isn’t sabotaging your lawn with their weeds on purpose. Make a game plan with them to combat weeds, at the very least bring the issue to their attention. Remember, communication is key (tip to live by, check).