John Deere Oil vs. Regular Oil: Is One Better?

Perhaps it’s time to change the oil in your John Deere tractor, and although you’ve used authentic John Deere oil in it in the past, you begin to wonder if there are alternatives. So, can you use a different brand of oil in your farm equipment, or will it cause issues for the system?

Although John Deere oil is a solid pick, it isn’t essential for proper function. Of course, it’s not quite that simple, so stick around to learn more!

Is John Deere Oil The Same As Other Oil?

There’s a common misconception that John Deere oil is essentially any other oil but in a different bottle and featuring unique marketing. However, John Deere oil isn’t the same thing as any other generic oil. Instead, John Deere oil features a unique set of “ingredients” (additives) that make it different.

John Deere Turf-Gard SAE 10W-30 4-Cycle Engine Oil TY22029 1 Quart Bottle 32oz OEM 4 Pack

Although the base stocks in John Deere oil might be from the same supplier as another type of oil, the additive package makes the final product entirely different from other options on the market.

What Is The Difference Between John Deere Oil And Other Types Of Oil?

The additives are the primary difference between John Deere oil and other types of oil. Although there’s limited information available regarding the exact makeup of John Deere’s oil additives, previous employees have mentioned these additives.

For example, one employee who worked for John Deere Power Systems outlines the differences that set John Deere oil apart. While some folks argue there’s no difference, this employee states this oil features a unique additive “recipe.” These additives include things like anti-foam, anti-wear, and more.

The additive blend makes the oil more robust, giving it a more durable nature than some competitors.

Is John Deere Oil Better Than Other Brands Of Oil?

Some folks argue that John Deere oil is the best of the best on the market, insisting it’s the superior choice. To some degree, this may be true. After all, John Deere offers oils suitable for heavy-duty use, while many other oils are designed for on-road applications. However, while this statement has some truth, it isn’t always correct.

Although John Deere oil might be the better option than other brands of oil, it isn’t necessarily the best of the best. If you browse through various machine and tractor forums, you’ll find numerous arguments surrounding the superiority (or lack thereof) of John Deere oil.

Some folks swear by John Deere oil, while others argue that Shell Rotella is an equally decent option at a much lower price. Others claim Mobil oil is the best option, while others use Amsoil.

However, while there’s much debate on the best oil brand, most folks can agree on one thing: it depends on the engine you’re working with. Different factors, including the engine, climate, and temperatures, affect the best type of oil for your scenario. Because of this, there isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all option.

How Do I Know Which Oil To Use?

If you’re stuck debating the merits of each oil and can’t decide, we recommend consulting the manufacturer’s guide. So, check with the manufacturer of the engine, as they usually outline specific requirements for oil usage.

This isn’t a bad idea, even if you have a good idea of the oil you usually use. Why? In some cases, the manufacturer who builds the engine may find an error in the design years after the release. So, at this point, they might recommend a different oil weight or some other defining factor that affects the best oil for the engine.

So, while John Deere might be the brand on your tractor, it’s best to talk to the manufacturer of the engine.

What Should I Look For In Good-Quality Oil?

Premium Small Engine 4 Cycle Oil Formula, SAE-30 Small Engine Oil Engine Care Reduces Wear for Lawnmower, Push Mower, Tractor, 32 Oz, STP

As you search for the ideal oil brand for your engine, there are a few things to look for. Many engine manufacturers outline specific guidelines for oil requirements, so pay attention to them. In addition, fuel type affects the best oil type, as diesel engines need oil explicitly made for diesel engines.

Aside from this, pay attention to additives and applications. Many oils are designed for on-road use, so if you need more robust oil intended for off-road use, look for oils marked for these applications.

Here’s what you need to look for (in an easy-to-use list):

  • Certifications: Various organizations, including the American Petroleum Industry (API) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), rate and certify engine oil. Look for oil options that boast these certifications, as those without them don’t meet various Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) quality and performance standards most engines require.
  • Viscosity: Your local climate and operating environment will help you determine the best oil viscosity for your engine. Generally, you can select the best option based on expected air temperature ranges and engine type.
  • Additives: Pay attention to the “ingredients” in each oil option. Some oils are designed for specific settings, so look for an option that matches the engine’s requirements.
  • Other requirements: It doesn’t hurt to have the unit’s manual on hand as you sift through your options. It’ll outline specific requirements surrounding the type of oil it needs, so keep it readily available as you search.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

John Deere Original Equipment Oil Change Kit - (2) TY22029 + AM107423

Is Factory Fill John Deere Oil The Same As Store-Bought John Deere Oil?

The factory-fill John Deere oil formula is identical to the John Deere oil available through dealers, save for one minor difference.

Factory-fill oil usually contains an extra additive, which helps them visualize oil leaks on units. This additive can change the color slightly, as it helps them find oil leaks at the factory. So, if the unit has a leak during test runs and inspections, they can use a black light to identify the leak (the additive makes it more visible).

Is John Deere Oil Expensive?

Compared to other similar oils on the market, John Deere oil is spendy. For example, if you need oil for a diesel tractor, you have multiple options. Shell Rotella, a popular pick for many folks on tractor forums, costs approximately $15 for a whole gallon. A gallon of Valvoline’s heavy-duty diesel oil costs roughly $24.

Now, for a gallon of John Deere oil, you can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $40. Considering that similar oil types can cost half that, it’s no surprise that many people view John Deere oil as a pricey option.

John Deere Original Equipment TURF-GARD 32 oz. 10W-30 Oil #TY22029 (PACK OF 4)
  • John Deere TY22029 Turf-Gard Oil (4 quarts)
  • 4-Cycle engine oil For gas engines only SAE 10W-30
  • Provides maximum protection for lawn and utility equipment
  • 946mL / 32 fl. Oz per quart

Of course, pricing may vary based on the type of oil you need for your equipment, but for the most part, John Deere oil is one of the more expensive options.

Last update on 2025-02-10 / Affiliate links / Somes Images and Data from Amazon Product Advertising API