Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed Shady Blend Review

Pearl is a newcomer to the lawn care and maintenance industry, but it has quickly developed a cult following, especially among those who wish to grow organic lawns.

The label has received positive reviews in the press from many respected names, including This Old House Magazine and the National Garden Association. The brand was founded by Jackson Madnick of Wayland, Massachusetts.

The Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed Shady Blend is a new type of grass seed that was developed through six years of product research and testing.

The end result is a type of grass seed that the manufacturer claims does not require watering after it has become established, only needs mowing once every three to four weeks, and will not ever require the use of chemical fertilizers.

Designed and blended for use in cooler climates, the Pearl’s Shady Blend seems almost too good to be true, but does it live up to the hype?

Read on to find out more about what the Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed Shady Blend has to offer!


  • The Pearl’s Premium grass seed appears to grow well in traditionally “hard to grow” places, like curbsides and around trees.
  • Because the grass seed does not need daily watering after it is established, it can reduce a homeowner’s monthly water costs.
  • This product is best for yards that receive 6+ hours of sun each day.


  • It has a high price tag.
  • The grass seed requires religious watering until it is established.
  • It can take up to four weeks for the grass seed to germinate.


  • Every 5lbs of Pearl’s Premium offers 800 square feet of coverage.
  • The manufacturer provides complete installation instructions.
  • The seed puts down roots that are 12 to 14 inches in depth.
  • The seed mixture is formulated to grow in full sun.


According to the manufacturer, no soil preparation is needed prior to seeding; however, according to reviews, the users who have experienced the best results have been those who followed the traditional methods of soil prep (e.g. removing dead debris, raking, fertilizing, etc.) before laying down the seed.

Although the Pearl Premium blend is marketed as needing fewer watering sessions once it has matured, the germination phase is labor intensive. For the first three weeks, the new seed will need to be watered for 20 to 30 minutes, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It will need to be watered a second time around mid-afternoon or early evening.

For the fourth and fifth week, watering can be cut back to every other day. After that, it will need to be watered once every three to four weeks (if it does not rain in your neighborhood).

When it comes to mowing, Pearl recommends cutting the lawn high with a fine, sharp blade. The grass will need to reach a height of 4 inches before it can be mowed, and it should not be cut any lower than three inches.

To assist with weed control, the manufacturer recommends aerating your lawn twice a year.

The grass that sprouts from the Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed Shady Blend are capable of putting down roots 12 to 14 inches deep in the soil. This is why it requires such infrequent watering.

It is genetically engineered to grow at a quarter of the rate of standard grass seed, which means that it only needs to mowed once a month. Pearl states that chemical fertilizers do not need to be used with this grass seed. The seed mixture does not contain any additives or chemicals that are harmful to wildlife, pets, or small children, and mature grass has a bright green hue.

Thanks for Reading!

With its high purchase price and spotty performance record, the Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed Shady Blend is something you should try at your own risk.

Before buying this grass seed (or any type), we would encourage you to have a professional soil test done on your front yard to measure its acidity and pH balance.

Doing so will enable you to avoid wasting your money on grass seed that won’t perform well in your climate.

Last update on 2025-01-24 / Affiliate links / Somes Images and Data from Amazon Product Advertising API