What Is The Best Zoysia Grass Seed? Reviews & Buyers Guide

Zoysia grass seed is an extremely durable groundcover. The blades of this type of grass are extremely stiff, giving lawns that are planted with it a spongy feeling similar to that of thick, plush carpet.

I highly recommend purchasing seed from Zoysia Farms. They are experts in growing Zoysia, and have outstanding customer service and awesome prices. Check them out: Zoysia Farms.

Our Top Zoysia Grass Seed (Available On Amazon):

1/2 Lbs Empire Zoysia Grass Seeds for Lawngrass Seeds Zoysia Empire Grass Seeds for Groundcover
  • Zoysia grows well in full sun or under light shade
  • Zoysia can be planted during the winter time when it is dormant.
  • It needs moist soil that drains well so that the roots do not stay wet
  • Easy to grow
Zoysia Grass Warm-Season Grass Dense, Carpet-Like Growth, Fine Texture, and Overall Durability for Lawns, Golf Courses, and Other Landscape...
  • Growth Habit: Zoysia grass forms a dense, thick carpet of grass that spreads through both...
  • Drought Tolerance: Zoysia grass is known for its excellent drought tolerance. It has the ability to...
  • Heat Resistance: Zoysia grass thrives in warm temperatures and can tolerate high heat and humidity....
  • Cold Tolerance: While Zoysia grass is generally more cold-tolerant than some other warm-season...
On SaleBestsellers
Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Mix Bag 7 lb
  • The perfect mix of Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue to thrive in shady conditions
  • Grow thick, green grass in areas of your lawn that don't receive much sunlight
  • Contains just the right amount of fertilizer to help your lawn succeed
  • Requires only 2 to 6 hours of sunlight
1 Pound Zenith Zoysia Grass Seeds & Mulch Mix Zoysia Grass Seeds Green Zoysia Seeds for Planting, Zenith Grass Seeds for Lawn
  • Grow them in full sun or light shade.
  • Low water requirement
  • The Zoysia seed must be planted when the ground temperature is 67 degrees or higher.
  • Zenith Zoysia, available in seeds and mulch, can be installed easily and provides a low-maintenance...

Growth Habits

Zoysia grass needs less fertilizer than other types of seed, in fact, too much can actually hinder its growth. As a warm-season grass, it grows extremely well in the spring and summer holding its vibrant green color as long as the temperatures remain moderate to high.

When the temperatures drop, the grass will go dormant, turning a golden brown to tan color. Unlike Bermuda and St. Augustine grasses, Zoysia grows rather slowly, spreading through the use of both stolons and rhizomes. The need to mow is less frequent than with other types, and when the height is kept to an approximate 1 1/2″, thatch can be kept to a minimum.


Zoysia grass seeds’ stiff texture makes it extremely durable. This type of seed requires little in the way of maintenance due its slow growth and hardiness. It grows quite well in the southern states where ample sunshine is available. It needs full sun to thrive but will do well when partial sun is available as long as it gets adequate moisture.

Zoysia grass will overgrow other types of grass if used as a filler, especially Fescue grasses. Zoysia grass plugs will choke it most other types of grasses and completely take over a yard in 4 to 5 years’ time.

Although it can be difficult to establish, once it is thriving it needs little in the way of maintenance. Its slow growth rate allows for mowing every couple of weeks, unlike Bermuda grass that must be cut every week to maintain a well-kept look. For the time it takes to establish itself, it produces a beautiful, full ground cover that remains hardy through most of the year.

Several seed companies realize how difficult this type of grass is to start from seed and offer it in other forms. Sod squares are the ideal way to establish this type of ground cover and after the initial preparation of the soil lays easily and begins to grow and fill itself in within just a few days.

Sod plugs can also be used by placing in the center of small sections and allowing the plant’s rhizomes and stolons to fill in the gaps. This can take time but, once established, will produce a lawn similar to that planted with sod squares.


Zoysia grass does well when transplanted in sod. Because it does not grow well from seed, laying sod in a brick pattern after proper ground preparation is the best planting method. The ground must be adequately tilled and rolled before sod squares are put in place.

Once they are down, rolling the area again will allow the roots to connect with the soil. This type of grass does not do well in shade and will eventually turn brown and go dormant if it does not get enough sunshine. Zoysia grass must have adequate amounts of water or it will begin to show signs of dormancy.

When it has been deprived of water, the grass will begin to turn brown and growth will eventually cease until adequate water is received.

The biggest drawback to this type of grass is the soil preparation that is needed when planting sod squares. The ground must be properly tilled to an adequate depth and then rolled.

Fertilizer and lime should be applied and the ground tilled a second time to thoroughly mix them into the soil. Once the soil preparation is finished, the sod squares can be placed tightly together. Because sod squares already have a root bed in place, this type of planting is the best all-around option.

Sod plugs are planted approximately 8 to 10 inches apart and must grow together leaving bare areas in the yard until each spot of grass grows enough to fill in the spaces.

Why Choose Zoysia Grass Seed?

Why Choose Zoysia Grass Seed

Zenith brand seed works well in warmer climates and is tolerant to drought conditions as long as they are not extremely lengthy. This seed is extremely low maintenance and contains a blend of seeds that work well together in creating substantial and effective ground cover. It is suitable to be used on putting greens or tee areas.

Homeowners and commercial customers also choose this brand of seed for lawns, patio areas, and large open spaces. When properly maintained it offers a deep green, carpet look that will enhance the beauty of any home or business.

Compadre brand seed is recognized for its extended color duration. It greens up much earlier in spring than other brands and the full, rich color lasts long into the fall season. It has a darker green hue than other Zoysia seeds and produces an extremely dense ground cover.

Zoysia seed is difficult to get started when seeds are used, but with the right combination of seed and fertilizer, it can be accomplished.

Scotts has several varieties of Zoysia grass seed to choose from. Many have the proper amount of nitrogen-based fertilizer as to not overload the seed and cause damage. The fertilizer used in their combinations is low in nitrogen and is designed to release rather slowly, giving the plant what it needs over a specific time period. This prevents too much from being used and also reduces the need for repeated applications.

Pennington brand Zoysia seed is guaranteed to produce dense ground cover and work well in high traffic areas that have full exposure to sunlight. This brand of seed is easy to maintain once it is established. Like other Zoysia seed varieties, it does take time for the seed to establish itself, but once it does, it will continue to produce and spread without much effort.

Check out Zoysia Farms for a complete selection of products.

Last update on 2025-02-10 / Affiliate links / Somes Images and Data from Amazon Product Advertising API